Hello, I'm Diahan Southard.
As Founder of Your DNA Guide, Diahan Southard teaches internationally, writes for popular magazines, consults with leading testing companies, is author of Your DNA Guide- The Book, and producer of Your DNA Guide - the Academy, an online learning experience. Diahan’s involvement in genetic genealogy began nearly 20 years ago as a bench scientist for the Sorenson Molecular Genealogy Foundation, the world's first genetic genealogy databaseYou will walk away from an interaction with her enlightened and motivated as she has a passion for genetic genealogy, a genuine love for people, and a gift for making the technical understandable.
Learn More About DiahanHi, I'm Crista Cowan
Crista Cowan has been a professional genealogist since 2002 and employed by Ancestry since 2004. As the Corporate Genealogist at Ancestry, she teaches at genealogy conferences and events around the world. She has produced and starred in more than 400 episodes of “The Barefoot Genealogist” since 2012 that can be found on the Ancestry YouTube channel. Her research specialties are solving unknown parentage using AncestryDNA and Jewish Immigration to the United States. But, her biggest passion is educating beginners so they can make the same exciting discoveries in family history that she has.
Learn More About Crista

Hello, I'm Janet Hovorka
Janet Hovorka has a MLIS in Library Science and is a research junkie. She owns Family ChartMasters, an award-winning genealogy chart printing service that is the official printing service for every major genealogy company and has shipped over 40,000 charts to 67 countries. Janet is the author of ten Zap the Grandma Gap books and workbooks and has widely written and lectured about family history. She is past president of the Utah Genealogical Association and past board member of the Association of Professional Genealogists. She has taught genealogy research for beginners and professionals at Salt Lake Community College for the past 12 years.
Learn More About JanetHi, I'm Anne Merrell
Anne joins the Search Party Team as a Party Planner! Anne manages customer service, answers your questions, schedules events, and keeps things running behind the scenes. She has a B.A. in Family History and Genealogy from BYU. Anne is a 3-time director of BYU's Family History for Youth Camp and she formerly hosted the Family History for Youth Podcast. She can't wait to help you find your ancestors with The Search Party Method!

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